unsound 4: workshops & collaboration work

On 23 - 26 of september i’m taking part in workshops held by\for musicians of Unsound 4 at Boom studio in Minsk. Also me and Pinch will be working in a studio, making our track for a collaborative CD-compilation of tracks by Belarusian and foreign musicians. Hope that combination of my deep-techno textures\atmospheres and Rob’s dubstep beats & bass will evolve into a nice track.

Workshops are lead by Pole, Herman Muntzing, Hanno Leichtmann, Jacek Sienkiewicz, Kassian Troyer, Kadebostan and Pinch. See workshop schedule below.

Tuesday Sept 23 - 10:00 – 14:00 - Workshop 1
Stefan Betke: From production to mastering: a brief introduction into studio set up, room design, basic mastering philosophy.

Wednesday Sept 24 - 10:00 – 12:00 - Workshop 2

Herman Muntzing: Free Improvised Music, Creating Music in the Present. Let’s for a moment skip Melody, Rhythm and Harmony. Let’s focus on Sound, Energy, Dynamics, Duration, Structure, Silence, Impulse

12:00 – 14:00 - Workshop 3

Hanno Leichtmann: Bitcrusher: Hanno Leichtmann will introduce his different projects and explain his working methods. Also, he will try to make an instant Minsk remix by using files brought by the workshop participants. So: please bring some loops or files. Format: aiff-wav-sd2

Thursday Sept 25

10:00 – 12:00 Workshop 4
Jacek Sienkiewicz: Minimal in progress

12:00 – 14:00 - Workshop 5
Kassian Troyer: On Field Recordings

Friday Sept 26

10:00 – 12:00 - Workshop 6

KaMy way of producing music with analog and digital instruments/recording musicians, and how I record it using Cubase software.

12:00 – 14:00 - Workshop 7

Pinch: Starting A Label; Tips on How to Present Demos To Label A & R

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