coming soon: Force Carriers compilation

The first Force Carriers compilation featuring tracks by pavel ambiont / nieviadomy artyst and S4DS / Alexei Sfourds will be released in early september.

force carriers

Here are some tracks from the compilation:

force carriers

pavel ambiont - while she sleeps (parts 1 & 2) by Force Carriers

S4DS - Space Trip (pavel ambiont rmx) by Force Carriers

S4DS - Space Trip (rmx) by S4DS

effervescence by nieviadomy artyst

tephra (p/a rmx) by nieviadomy artyst

tephra by nieviadomy artyst

solar pulse by pavel ambiont

S4DS - All Astronauts by S4DS

infall (rmx) by pavel ambiont

pavel ambiont - solar pulse (alexei sfourds rmx) by Force Carriers

+ video from a liveset featuring ‘tephra’ and ‘effervescence’ (vj - Solar Olga)

tephra / poison / effervescence @ centras festival from nieviadomy artyst on Vimeo.

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