Архіў катэгорыі 'art'

‘to serve and protect’ by Anna Zhyn

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

since the beginning of the 2020 election campaign in Belarus:
14,000+ detained
90+ political prisoners
450+ documented cases of torture
1,800+ allegations of violence used during the detention
6 killed and some still missing
200+ injured, including children
800+ in exile, some forcibly expelled from the country
250+ criminal cases against activists, observers, protesters, etc.
0 investigations of violence against peaceful protesters
hundreds harassed and […]

Noncompliance – Belarus, Culture & Activism | Unsound Festival

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

“Where does the current strength of civic unrest come from, and can art be of any help in the fight against the regime? Moderated by Kaja Puto, a journalist specializing in Eastern and Central Europe, this discussion will include Polish-Belarusian visual artist Jana Shostak, and experimental musician and lecturer Pavel […]

Canteena XYZ archive presentation - 28.12.2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Installations w/ Olga Salakheyeva (VJ Solar Olga)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

‘I will revenge this world with love…’

Friday, June 8, 2018

During the Non-Fashion exhibition at the National Center for Contemporary Arts in Minsk me and VJ Solar Olga / Volha Salakheyeva will present our A/V installation ‘I will revenge the world with love…’ based on Parajanov films. For this installation I’ve arranged fragments of mixed of music and dialogue from ?Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors’, ?Ashik-Kerib’ […]

22.05.18 - ‘Pierrot Lunaire’ in Minsk (performance #2)

Monday, May 21, 2018

Tomorrow is the next performance of Schoenberg’s ‘Pierrot Lunaire’ by Capella Sonorus in Minsk. VJ Solar Olga and me are responsible for the live visuals during the show.

‘Pierrot Lunaire’ premiere in Minsk, Belarus

Saturday, December 9, 2017

I was lucky to help my dear wife Olga to create video footage for the Belarusian premiere of ‘Pierrot Lunaire’ (24.11.2017).
Composer: Arnold Schoenberg
Music performers: ‘Sonorus’ Capella
Conductor: Alexander Humala
Soloist: Natalia Iselyonok,
Video-art: Volha Salakheyeva & Pavel Niakhayeu
Live-video performance: Volha Salakheyeva (VJ Solar Olga)

Parajanov Festival - 20-27.08.2017, Lviv, UA

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Together with VJ Solar Olga (Olga Salakheyeva) we’ll create an A/V installation during the II Parajanov Festival in Levandivka (Lviv, UA, 20-27.08.2017).
UPD: Info about our project - http://solarolga.com/project/i-will-revenge-this-world-with-love/

Force Carriers present: ‘Eternal Wanderer’

Friday, May 12, 2017

This friday, 19.05, me, Apex Sphere and VJ Solar Olga will play for the first time as a trio - Force Carriers at Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival. Our A/V project ‘Eternal Wanderer’ is a tribute to a unique artist Jazep Drazdovič (1888-1954) who became the first Belarusian on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn […]

Artes Liberales 2017 - ‘The Age of Revolution(s)’

Friday, March 31, 2017

Together with Volha Salakheyeva i’m curating Artes Liberales festival audio/video/media-art program. This year’s edition is dedicated to all sorts of revolutions. See the full program here - Artes Liberales 2017

Artes Liberales 2016 - Poetics of Labour

Thursday, March 31, 2016

This month i’m curating the audio\music program of Artes Liberales: Poetics of Labour festival in Minsk (5-30.04). there i’ll give a lecture on Sound Studies and will lead an artistic/research workshop on Urban A/V Rhythms. full audio-program is here - http://foundamental.net/2016/04/artes-liberales-2016/ (in RU), all Artes Liberales 2016 events - http://artes-liberales.by/en/2016-edition/

iter mirabile

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Inspired by Alexander (Ales) Rodin painting ‘Time Machine / Wonderful Journey’ & Samuel R. Delany stories (‘The Star-Pit’ in particular).
To be released on a new album on Force Carriers label (FRC LP 02).

21.11.12 - Audiographics - Pavel Ambiont & Michał Mierzwa @ ViviMotion (Poznan, PL)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

21.11.12 - Audiographics - Pavel Ambiont & Michał Mierzwa @ ViviMotion (Poznan, PL)

26.11.11 - pavel ambiont & solar olga @ laboratorio symbolon, barcelona

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Circuitro Electrovisiones in collaboration with Laboratorio Symbolon and Foundamental Network present:
Pavel Ambiont & Solar Olga (foundamental network, Belarus) - Audiovisial concert “Irrhythmia”
20:00, 26.11.2011, Barcelona, Spain

Concierto Audiovisial Irrhythmia por Pavel Ambiont & Solar Olga (foundamental network, Belarus)
Sábado 26 de noviembre
Entrada: 4€
Es una performance que muestra un […]

LPM Minsk - 22-25.09.2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The X edition of LPM - Live Performers Meeting - kicks off on 22nd of September 2011 in Minsk, Belarus.
LPM offers a unique chance to be involved in four days of av performances, vjing, workshops, panel discussions, product showcase which will bring together an amazing community of vjs, audiovisual artists, new media practitioners and thinkers […]