Архіў катэгорыі 'research'

Call for papers: P.S. Soundscapes (2017)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Together with my colleague Benjamin Cope i’ll be co-editing ‘P.S. Soundscapes’ - an upcoming (2017) issue of

Лекцыя: Sound Studies (intro) @ Artes Liberales 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Лекцыя Паўла Няхаева: Sound Studies (уводзіны)

‘winter songs’ - ethno selection for 34 mag

Friday, December 30, 2011

compiled for 34mag.net in dec.2011 by Pavel Niakhayeu (nieviadomy artyst, pavel ambiont)
more info + other people’s mixes: http://34mag.net/post/navagodniya-miksy/

winter songs (selected by nieviadomy artyst)
1. Rusia – Čaho Ty, Łośia… (*)
2. Rajna – Dervishing
3. Donis & Rasa Serra – Bite Lingo
4. Moon Far Away – Žito Žala
5. Kola Beldy – Hoziain Lesa
6. […]

LPM Minsk - 22-25.09.2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The X edition of LPM - Live Performers Meeting - kicks off on 22nd of September 2011 in Minsk, Belarus.
LPM offers a unique chance to be involved in four days of av performances, vjing, workshops, panel discussions, product showcase which will bring together an amazing community of vjs, audiovisual artists, new media practitioners and thinkers […]

pavel ambiont & olga solar @ Live Performers Meeting (Rome, 22.05.11)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

20.05.2011: irrhythmia | LPM Rome 2011 - LIVE PERFORMERS MEETING
pavel ambiont - techno/dub/step, field recs & ambient poetry. solar_olga - visuals.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

amal spantanny kulturna-mastacki prajekt - sapnai/dreams

sound recording / editing / mixing + music: Pavel Niakhayeu (pavel ambiont)
paintings: Hanna Kurashova
thanks to Alex Omeljanchuk for his help with collecting these stories, interpreting to & from lithuanian.

* - this version is from set played at Satta club, Vilnius on 25.12.2009.

Visual Turn & Music (.swf presentation)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

[download .swf (75 kb)]

“візуальны паварот” і музыка

Friday, April 18, 2008

21 красавіка я (хто?) буду рабіць маленькі даклад у ЕГУ. Тэма: ўзаемаадносіны музыкі \ гуку і візуальных мастацтваў \ практык \ тэхналогій.
Адрас: Вільня, вул.Валакупю, 5. Ауд.112. Пачатак ў 18:00. Уваход вольны. [гл.таксама - абвестка на ehu.lt]

rhythm research: interviews [winter 2008]

Thursday, February 28, 2008

interviews with two Belarusian djs:
DJ Headshot - hard-techno dj, working with Euthanasia promo, tells about techno ritual and role of a dj in it. [lang: en, ru]
DJ I.F.U. - is one of the Belarusian Electronic music culture pioneers, linking Belarusian scene with UK and other countries, and the winner of TOP 30 […]

fractal ritual, fractal liminal

Friday, November 23, 2007

(notes for the paper on ?liminality in Electronic dance music culture’)
A party has a fractal-like structure with at least three levels of liminality\intensity oscillating and fluctuating in and out on each level — track, set, whole party.
Another possible application of liminality\communitas concepts: EDMC communities, after all, truly exist not in the ?profane world’ of everyday, […]

rhythm research

Sunday, January 21, 2007

En: Just launched my research project on “rhythmic rituals” — from ancient \ tribal to their contemporary forms. This project mostly considers various aspects of techno & psy-trance (sub)cultures:

Why do we go to techno \ psy-trance parties?
What do we search there?
What do we experience there?
What those parties have in common with ancient \ tribal […]