Архіў катэгорыі 'science'

10.08.18 - Pavel Ambiont & VJ Solar Olga @ Torun, PL

Monday, July 30, 2018

10.08.18 - Pavel Ambiont & VJ Solar Olga @ Torun, PL

Artes Liberales 2017 - ‘The Age of Revolution(s)’

Friday, March 31, 2017

Together with Volha Salakheyeva i’m curating Artes Liberales festival audio/video/media-art program. This year’s edition is dedicated to all sorts of revolutions. See the full program here - Artes Liberales 2017

Call for papers: P.S. Soundscapes (2017)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Together with my colleague Benjamin Cope i’ll be co-editing ‘P.S. Soundscapes’ - an upcoming (2017) issue of

Лекцыя: Sound Studies (intro) @ Artes Liberales 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Лекцыя Паўла Няхаева: Sound Studies (уводзіны)

Force Carriers compilation - pavel ambiont / nieviadomy artyst & alexei sfourds / s4ds

Monday, September 10, 2012

out now: Force Carriers compilation - pavel ambiont / nieviadomy artyst & alexei sfourds / s4ds

Alternative Cultures Now - Sound (Art) Resistance

Friday, April 9, 2010

09.04.2010, Budapest
Alternative Culture Now Conference \ ‘Sound (Art) Resistance’ roundtable
1) Benjamin Cope (European Humanities University, Lithuania), Sound and the Production of Social Spaces
2) Aleksandr Soloviev (Ryazan State University, Russia), Sound Art in the Information Society
3) Natalia Kononenko (State Institute of Arts Studies, Russia), Musical Emblem in the Epoch of the ?Iconic Turn’: One Baroque […]

“візуальны паварот” і музыка

Friday, April 18, 2008

21 красавіка я (хто?) буду рабіць маленькі даклад у ЕГУ. Тэма: ўзаемаадносіны музыкі \ гуку і візуальных мастацтваў \ практык \ тэхналогій.
Адрас: Вільня, вул.Валакупю, 5. Ауд.112. Пачатак ў 18:00. Уваход вольны. [гл.таксама - абвестка на ehu.lt]