Архіў катэгорыі 'snd'

‘to serve and protect’ by Anna Zhyn

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

since the beginning of the 2020 election campaign in Belarus:
14,000+ detained
90+ political prisoners
450+ documented cases of torture
1,800+ allegations of violence used during the detention
6 killed and some still missing
200+ injured, including children
800+ in exile, some forcibly expelled from the country
250+ criminal cases against activists, observers, protesters, etc.
0 investigations of violence against peaceful protesters
hundreds harassed and […]

Noncompliance – Belarus, Culture & Activism | Unsound Festival

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

“Where does the current strength of civic unrest come from, and can art be of any help in the fight against the regime? Moderated by Kaja Puto, a journalist specializing in Eastern and Central Europe, this discussion will include Polish-Belarusian visual artist Jana Shostak, and experimental musician and lecturer Pavel […]

Pinch & Pavel Ambiont re-release

Friday, September 4, 2020

Jellybean + Poison / Remedy by Pinch & Pavel Ambiont
A digital reissue of a limited-edition 12″ released in September 2010 - http://discogs.com/Pinch-2-Pavel-Ambiont-Jellybean-Poison-Remedy/release/2439939
This collaboration was initiated and supported by Unsound Festival and a number of European cultural institutions.
‘Poison / Remedy’ was produced in Minsk, Belarus in September 2008 and ‘Jellybean’ in Bristol, UK in February 2009.
‘Poison […]

Nieviadomy Artyst - “Between Predators and Parasites” [FRC EP 06]

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Between Predators and Parasites by Nieviadomy Artyst
it’s hard to stay human between predators and parasites

i’ve started preparing this EP in march - and set the release date for the presidential elections. but spring and summer were hard - with illness, self-isolation, separation, moving between homes, work/nowork - and then this stressful *election* campaign. so not […]

Pavel Ambiont - ‘Make Utopia Great Again’ [FRC EP 05]

Monday, June 15, 2020

Pavel Ambiont - ‘Make Utopia Great Again’ EP - 2020, Force Carriers

Let Dystopia Fade In Rain

Friday, June 12, 2020

Pavel Ambiont - ‘Let Dystopia Fade In Rain’

Павел Няхаеў: Што слухаць падчас карантына?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Put Your Best Tentacle Forward (demo)

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Canteena XYZ archive presentation - 28.12.2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

On the Belarus-Russia ‘integration’ and our electronic music scene (unpublished interview)

Friday, December 6, 2019

These days the people of Belarus are worried about our country’s destiny. On the 8th of December the Belarusian and Russian presidents are going to sign some agreement on a ‘deeper integration’ of our countries. The details are mostly unknown - they were not discussed neither with the people nor with the parliament. We only […]

Music, Utopia & Social Change (Unsound Festival presentation)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Lecture: ‘Music, Utopia and Social Change’, Unsound Festival 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019

Installations w/ Olga Salakheyeva (VJ Solar Olga)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Force Carriers label is 7 years old!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Demo tracks: Spring 2019

Saturday, May 18, 2019

#3 is another sketch for a Force Carriers album dedicated to Jazep Drazdovič
#1 + #4 might go there too - in some form or another.
#2 is an unexpected comeback of Nieviadomy Artyst project. i haven’t been making such harder techno for a couple of years (wasn’t angry enough) - but here it is.