Архіў катэгорыі 'belarusian'

Political Soundwalks: listening to the political protests in Minsk, Belarus

Monday, August 9, 2021

In this audio-paper you’ll hear how the Belarusian protesters and the state were fighting for the space with voices, noises and music. The field recordings made at demonstrations, DIY concerts, poetry readings, theater performances and other sites of sonic and cultural resistance to the dictatorship are the starting points for a discussion on the multifaceted […]

Noncompliance – Belarus, Culture & Activism | Unsound Festival

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

“Where does the current strength of civic unrest come from, and can art be of any help in the fight against the regime? Moderated by Kaja Puto, a journalist specializing in Eastern and Central Europe, this discussion will include Polish-Belarusian visual artist Jana Shostak, and experimental musician and lecturer Pavel […]

Nieviadomy Artyst - “Between Predators and Parasites” [FRC EP 06]

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Between Predators and Parasites by Nieviadomy Artyst
it’s hard to stay human between predators and parasites

i’ve started preparing this EP in march - and set the release date for the presidential elections. but spring and summer were hard - with illness, self-isolation, separation, moving between homes, work/nowork - and then this stressful *election* campaign. so not […]

Canteena XYZ archive presentation - 28.12.2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Force Carriers label is 7 years old!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Force Carriers present: ‘Eternal Wanderer’

Friday, May 12, 2017

This friday, 19.05, me, Apex Sphere and VJ Solar Olga will play for the first time as a trio - Force Carriers at Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival. Our A/V project ‘Eternal Wanderer’ is a tribute to a unique artist Jazep Drazdovič (1888-1954) who became the first Belarusian on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn […]

Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force Festival - 19-21.05.2017, Minsk

Thursday, April 20, 2017

In 2008 Unsound Festival has changed my life by connecting me to other artists (Pinch, Artem Atrashevsky) and giving a chance not only to show my own music, but also to (re)present the Belarusian music culture abroad. So i’m glad to reciprocate by co-organizing the Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival in Minsk together with […]

Artes Liberales 2017 - ‘The Age of Revolution(s)’

Friday, March 31, 2017

Together with Volha Salakheyeva i’m curating Artes Liberales festival audio/video/media-art program. This year’s edition is dedicated to all sorts of revolutions. See the full program here - Artes Liberales 2017

Artes Liberales 2016 - Poetics of Labour

Thursday, March 31, 2016

This month i’m curating the audio\music program of Artes Liberales: Poetics of Labour festival in Minsk (5-30.04). there i’ll give a lecture on Sound Studies and will lead an artistic/research workshop on Urban A/V Rhythms. full audio-program is here - http://foundamental.net/2016/04/artes-liberales-2016/ (in RU), all Artes Liberales 2016 events - http://artes-liberales.by/en/2016-edition/

Report: Pavel Ambiont @ Boiler Room Poland

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Minsk's Pavel Ambiont of @ForceCarriers taking us through the next 45 mins ? http://t.co/dyggHGtnyv pic.twitter.com/rlPR1WivOI
— BOILER ROOM (@boilerroomtv) August 29, 2015

Some more photos from the Pavel Ambiont liveset at Boiler Room Poland session which was a part of Taste The East 2015 techno-conference

iter mirabile

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Inspired by Alexander (Ales) Rodin painting ‘Time Machine / Wonderful Journey’ & Samuel R. Delany stories (‘The Star-Pit’ in particular).
To be released on a new album on Force Carriers label (FRC LP 02).

Pavel Ambiont & Solar Olga @ PRYZBA-fest (10.08.14)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Electronic Music in Belarus - short intro

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

We have prepared an english-language overview covering some of the most interesting music in Belarus electronic scene.
Enjoy the music and please share the article - Electronic Music in Belarus – short intro

Pavel Ambiont - ‘Pagan & Urban’ [FNET018]

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pagan & Urban is a new mini-album by Pavel Ambiont released on 24.06.2013 by Foundamental Network label.

Download album (mp3 or lossless)
more info:

A new mini-album of Pavel Ambiont is about the relations and tensions between culture & nature, linear & cyclic times, concrete & wood – urban and pagan. ?Pagan’ is used here in its […]

Force Carriers compilation - pavel ambiont / nieviadomy artyst & alexei sfourds / s4ds

Monday, September 10, 2012

out now: Force Carriers compilation - pavel ambiont / nieviadomy artyst & alexei sfourds / s4ds