Архіў катэгорыі 'snd'

P.S.Soundscapes: presentation + music @ EHU Library (04.12.2018)

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Pavel Ambiont - Radio Plato Guest List #001

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

This mix for Radio Plato contains mostly unreleased tracks made in the recent years and is based on the live sets I’ve played this year at Euthanasia and Foundamental Network parties in Minsk.
There are flavours of various musics that have inspired me over the years – Dub, Techno, Dubstep, House, Psy-Trance, IDM – but […]

out now: P.S.Soundscapes - Topos, #1, 2018

Sunday, September 30, 2018

?P.S.Soundscapes’ is the new issue of ?Topos’ journal for Philosophy & Cultural Studies published by European Humanities University (Vilnius). Co-edited by Benjamin Cope and Pavel Niakhayeu, the volume is dedicated to studies in sound, music and listening in the Post-Socialist region.

1999 AD

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pavel Ambiont - 1999 AD

23.06.18 - Banker Fest

Friday, June 15, 2018

Banker Fest is a music event dedicated to Vova Banker (Uladzimir Banko), a Belarusian experimental musician, poet and performer.

‘I will revenge this world with love…’

Friday, June 8, 2018

During the Non-Fashion exhibition at the National Center for Contemporary Arts in Minsk me and VJ Solar Olga / Volha Salakheyeva will present our A/V installation ‘I will revenge the world with love…’ based on Parajanov films. For this installation I’ve arranged fragments of mixed of music and dialogue from ?Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors’, ?Ashik-Kerib’ […]

Лекцыя: Музыка — паміж утопіяй і дыстопіяй (27.01.18)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

“Якую ролю музыка грае ў розных візіях ідэальнага грамадства — ад Платона і Томаса Мора да Берліоза і Скінэра? Як уяўляюць сацыяльныя функцыі музыкі фантасты і анты-ўтапісты? Як палітычныя і творчыя рухі апошняга стагоддзя грунтуюць свае ўтапічныя сусветы на рытме і музыцы? Дзе мяжа паміж гармоніяй і тыраніяй?”
Facebook event

Report: Force Carriers @ Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force 2017 [#1]

Friday, June 23, 2017

‘Eternal Wanderer’ is a new A/V project by Force Carriers - myself, Apex Sphere & VJ Solar Olga. It was premiered at Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival on the 19th of May 2017.

Video-fragment #1:

Interview (in Belarusian): Sci-Fi-містыка на глебе Язэпа Драздовіча

More info, tracks and photos: http://force-carriers.com/projects/eternal-wanderer/

Force Carriers present: ‘Eternal Wanderer’

Friday, May 12, 2017

This friday, 19.05, me, Apex Sphere and VJ Solar Olga will play for the first time as a trio - Force Carriers at Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival. Our A/V project ‘Eternal Wanderer’ is a tribute to a unique artist Jazep Drazdovič (1888-1954) who became the first Belarusian on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn […]

МЕЧТА 009 - 04.03.2017, Minsk

Saturday, March 4, 2017

I will play on the 4th of March 2017 alongside Jacek Sienkiewicz, Grek, Morgotica, Stress Delivery Service. This is the 9th event of МЕЧТА (DREAM) series marking its 1st anniversary.

Call for papers: P.S. Soundscapes (2017)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Together with my colleague Benjamin Cope i’ll be co-editing ‘P.S. Soundscapes’ - an upcoming (2017) issue of

Techno Squat - 17.09.2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pavel Ambiont
Apex Sphere
Alexei De Bronhe
Atlantech Squad
Facebook event

Yaga Gathering 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016

2 years ago i couldn’t play at Yaga because of the visa troubles, but this time i’ll be there - http://yaga.lt/stage/chillout/
Facebook event

Techno Squat 303 - 20.05.2016 (Bar ili club, Minsk)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Plastic Dub

Monday, May 16, 2016

a little dubby riddim. the main drums are just plastic bottle sounds, hence the name - http://soundcloud.com/pavel_ambiont/plastic-dub/