Force Carriers label is 7 years old!

September 12, 2019

Demo tracks: Spring 2019

May 18, 2019

#3 is another sketch for a Force Carriers album dedicated to Jazep Drazdovič

#1 + #4 might go there too - in some form or another.

#2 is an unexpected comeback of Nieviadomy Artyst project. i haven’t been making such harder techno for a couple of years (wasn’t angry enough) - but here it is.

P.S.Soundscapes: presentation + music @ EHU Library (04.12.2018)

December 2, 2018

Pavel Ambiont - Radio Plato Guest List #001

October 3, 2018

This mix for Radio Plato contains mostly unreleased tracks made in the recent years and is based on the live sets I’ve played this year at Euthanasia and Foundamental Network parties in Minsk.

There are flavours of various musics that have inspired me over the years – Dub, Techno, Dubstep, House, Psy-Trance, IDM – but most of all it’s utopian ?sci-fi’ Electro. Some of the tracks will be out on my next album ?Zorapłaŭ’, others (under Force Carriers name) were made for a project about the Belarusian artist Jazep Drazdovič and will be out later.

I’m grateful to DJ Kreep from Abjekt / Dark Side of Techno (Hrodna) for the impulse to do this mix.

Download [mp3 320].


00:00 – Pavel Ambiont – By Tongues of Thousand Leaves [unreleased]
03:39 – Pavel Ambiont – untitled [unreleased]
05:32 – Pavel Ambiont – Minimal Chordate [unreleased]
08:24 – Pavel Ambiont – Home House [unreleased]
11:49 – Nieviadomy Artyst – New East Beast [unreleased]
15:16 – Pavel Ambiont – Time Stream Surfers (N/A rmx) [unreleased]
16:45 – Pavel Ambiont – Tau Ceti [unreleased]
20:31 – Pavel Ambiont – Until Stars Freeze [unreleased]
22:00 – Pavel Ambiont – Until Stars Freeze (v.0) [unreleased]
24:31 – Force Carriers – Auria [unreleased]
27:08 – Force Carriers – Time Crystals [unreleased]
29:05 – Force Carriers – Above the Abyss [unreleased]
31:50 – Nieviadomy Artyst – Knowledge Is Fire (P/A edit) [FRC EP 02]
33:21 – Pavel Ambiont – iff [unreleased]
36:24 – Nieviadomy Artyst – Aude Sapere [FRC EP 02]
41:48 – Pavel Ambiont – untitled [unreleased]
44:40 – Pavel Ambiont – 1999 AD [unreleased]

All tracks written and produced by Pavel Niakhayeu

If you like this music, consider supporting it:

out now: P.S.Soundscapes - Topos, #1, 2018

September 30, 2018

‘P.S.Soundscapes’ is the new issue of ‘Topos’ journal for Philosophy & Cultural Studies published by European Humanities University (Vilnius).

Co-edited by Benjamin Cope and me, the volume is dedicated to studies in sound, music and listening in the Post-Socialist region and includes texts in Belarusian, Russian and English by researchers and curators from the Eastern Europe:

Marcin Barski, ​Ina Hladyshava, ​Andrei Gornykh​, ​Dmitry Koshlakov, ​Aleksandr Sarna, ​Anatoly Stepanishchev​, ​Andrey Vozyanov, Maria Yashchanka, Vita Zelenska, ​an interview with curators ​ Michał Libera ​and Daniel Muzyczuk ​as well as two essays by ​Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht ​ translated into Belarusian by ​Aliaksandra Lohvinava ​and introduced by ​Tatiana Shchyttsova ​, the journal Editor-in-Chief.

PDF version can be accessed at the​ journal website — P.S. Soundscapes — Topos, No.1, 2018. The printed version is available at EHU Library and, hopefully, will be sold in the select bookstores in Minsk, Belarus.


1999 AD

September 26, 2018

10.08.18 - Pavel Ambiont & VJ Solar Olga @ Torun, PL

July 30, 2018

me & VJ Solar Olga are happy to return to beautiful Toruń in Poland on the 10th of August - with a special A/V project dedicated to Mikołaj Kopernik / Nicolaus Copernicus. born in Toruń in 1473, he has revolutionized the thinking about the Universe. using music and live visuals we will illustrate a story of astronomical discoveries - from the early observations to brave ideas, bitter criticism - and to contemporary space travel.

23.06.18 - Banker Fest

June 15, 2018

Banker Fest is a music event dedicated to Vova Banker (Uladzimir Banko), a Belarusian experimental musician, poet and performer.

‘I will revenge this world with love…’

June 8, 2018

During the Non-Fashion exhibition at the National Center for Contemporary Arts in Minsk me and VJ Solar Olga / Volha Salakheyeva will present our A/V installation ‘I will revenge the world with love…’ based on Parajanov films. For this installation I’ve arranged fragments of mixed of music and dialogue from ?Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors’, ?Ashik-Kerib’ films.

We’ve created this work during the art-residency at Parajanov’s International festival in Lviv, UA (August, 2017)

22.05.18 - ‘Pierrot Lunaire’ in Minsk (performance #2)

May 21, 2018

Tomorrow is the next performance of Schoenberg’s ‘Pierrot Lunaire’ by Capella Sonorus in Minsk. VJ Solar Olga and me are responsible for the live visuals during the show.

21.04.2018 - “Дзень з ЕГУ ў Мінску”

April 21, 2018

Падчас Дня з ЕГУ ў Мінску правёў для абітурыентаў прэзентацыю: “Даследванні сучаснай музычнай культуры і крэатыўных індустрый у Беларусі і Ўсходняй Еўропе: досвед ЕГУ»

07.04.18 - Спелость \ Молодость

March 28, 2018

Elena Sizova
I/DEX (live)
Pavel Ambiont (live)
Skyfarma (live)

EUTHANASIA promo - 15 years in action

March 8, 2018

Лекцыя: Музыка — паміж утопіяй і дыстопіяй (27.01.18)

January 25, 2018

“Якую ролю музыка грае ў розных візіях ідэальнага грамадства — ад Платона і Томаса Мора да Берліоза і Скінэра? Як уяўляюць сацыяльныя функцыі музыкі фантасты і анты-ўтапісты? Як палітычныя і творчыя рухі апошняга стагоддзя грунтуюць свае ўтапічныя сусветы на рытме і музыцы? Дзе мяжа паміж гармоніяй і тыраніяй?”

Facebook event

‘Pierrot Lunaire’ premiere in Minsk, Belarus

December 9, 2017

I was lucky to help my dear wife Olga to create video footage for the Belarusian premiere of ‘Pierrot Lunaire’ (24.11.2017).

Composer: Arnold Schoenberg
Music performers: ‘Sonorus’ Capella
Conductor: Alexander Humala
Soloist: Natalia Iselyonok,
Video-art: Volha Salakheyeva & Pavel Niakhayeu
Live-video performance: Volha Salakheyeva (VJ Solar Olga)