Архіў катэгорыі 'research'


Thursday, September 16, 2021

a presentation of my ongoing research shared at Dancecult conference on the 16.09.2021:
#CoVideoWatching: sharing the pandemic experiences in comments under YouTube music videos
Belarus didn’t introduce Covid-lockdowns, the president was long denying that the disease existed and our society’s health depended mostly on our own responsibility. In spring 2020 I was self-quarantined at a colleague’s flat […]

Political Soundwalks: listening to the political protests in Minsk, Belarus

Monday, August 9, 2021

In this audio-paper you’ll hear how the Belarusian protesters and the state were fighting for the space with voices, noises and music. The field recordings made at demonstrations, DIY concerts, poetry readings, theater performances and other sites of sonic and cultural resistance to the dictatorship are the starting points for a discussion on the multifaceted […]

Pavel Ambiont - ‘Make Utopia Great Again’ [FRC EP 05]

Monday, June 15, 2020

Pavel Ambiont - ‘Make Utopia Great Again’ EP - 2020, Force Carriers

Павел Няхаеў: Што слухаць падчас карантына?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Canteena XYZ archive presentation - 28.12.2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Music, Utopia & Social Change (Unsound Festival presentation)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Lecture: ‘Music, Utopia and Social Change’, Unsound Festival 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019

P.S.Soundscapes: presentation + music @ EHU Library (04.12.2018)

Sunday, December 2, 2018

out now: P.S.Soundscapes - Topos, #1, 2018

Sunday, September 30, 2018

?P.S.Soundscapes’ is the new issue of ?Topos’ journal for Philosophy & Cultural Studies published by European Humanities University (Vilnius). Co-edited by Benjamin Cope and Pavel Niakhayeu, the volume is dedicated to studies in sound, music and listening in the Post-Socialist region.

21.04.2018 - “Дзень з ЕГУ ў Мінску”

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Павел Няхаеў - прэзентацыя ““Даследванні сучаснай музычнай культуры і крэатыўных індустрый у Беларусі і Ўсходняй Еўропе: досвед ЕГУ»” - 21 красавіка 2018, “Дзень з ЕГУ ў Мінску”

Лекцыя: Музыка — паміж утопіяй і дыстопіяй (27.01.18)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

“Якую ролю музыка грае ў розных візіях ідэальнага грамадства — ад Платона і Томаса Мора да Берліоза і Скінэра? Як уяўляюць сацыяльныя функцыі музыкі фантасты і анты-ўтапісты? Як палітычныя і творчыя рухі апошняга стагоддзя грунтуюць свае ўтапічныя сусветы на рытме і музыцы? Дзе мяжа паміж гармоніяй і тыраніяй?”
Facebook event

Mapping Sounds & Cities Workshop - 3-5.10.2017, Vilnius

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I’m co-organizing Mapping Sounds & Cities Workshop in Vilnius for those interested in Urban Soundscapes, Sound Studies, Sociology, Rhythm Analysis and Music/Sound Art. The three-day event will be lead by me and my colleagues - urban researchers/musicians Ben Cope (UK/PL) and Andrey Vozyanov (RU/DE). Apply by 18 Sept. - http://bit.ly/2eHbciJ

Parajanov Festival - 20-27.08.2017, Lviv, UA

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Together with VJ Solar Olga (Olga Salakheyeva) we’ll create an A/V installation during the II Parajanov Festival in Levandivka (Lviv, UA, 20-27.08.2017).
UPD: Info about our project - http://solarolga.com/project/i-will-revenge-this-world-with-love/

Deadline extended! Call for papers: P.S. Soundscapes (2017)

Friday, June 2, 2017

DEADLINE EXTENDED till 1 August 2017.
Philosophy & cultural studies journal “Topos” has extended a call for papers for a 2017 issue - ‘P.S. Soundscapes’ - focusing on sound, music and listening in the post-Soviet and Eastern European region. The issue editors: Benjamin Cope & Pavel Niakhayeu (Department of Media, European Humanities University). Submit your […]

Artes Liberales 2017 - ‘The Age of Revolution(s)’

Friday, March 31, 2017

Together with Volha Salakheyeva i’m curating Artes Liberales festival audio/video/media-art program. This year’s edition is dedicated to all sorts of revolutions. See the full program here - Artes Liberales 2017