I’m co-organizing Mapping Sounds & Cities Workshop in Vilnius for those interested in Urban Soundscapes, Sound Studies, Sociology, Rhythm Analysis and Music/Sound Art. The three-day event will be lead by me and my colleagues - urban researchers/musicians Ben Cope (UK/PL) and Andrey Vozyanov (RU/DE). Apply by 18 Sept. - http://bit.ly/2eHbciJ
Together with VJ Solar Olga (Olga Salakheyeva) we’ll create an A/V installation during the II Parajanov Festival in Levandivka (Lviv, UA, 20-27.08.2017).
‘Eternal Wanderer’ is a new A/V project by Force Carriers - myself, Apex Sphere & VJ Solar Olga. It was premiered at Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival on the 19th of May 2017.
Philosophy & cultural studies journal “Topos” has extended a call for papers for a 2017 issue - ‘P.S. Soundscapes’ - focusing on sound, music and listening in the post-Soviet and Eastern European region. The issue editors: Benjamin Cope & Pavel Niakhayeu (Department of Media, European Humanities University). Submit your articles & reviews in English, Belarusian or Russian till 1 August 2017.
This friday, 19.05, me, Apex Sphere and VJ Solar Olga will play for the first time as a trio - Force Carriers at Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival. Our A/V project ‘Eternal Wanderer’ is a tribute to a unique artist Jazep Drazdovič (1888-1954) who became the first Belarusian on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn and other planets.
In 2008 Unsound Festival has changed my life by connecting me to other artists (Pinch, Artem Atrashevsky) and giving a chance not only to show my own music, but also to (re)present the Belarusian music culture abroad. So i’m glad to reciprocate by co-organizing the Unsound Dislocation X Mental Force festival in Minsk together with my Mental Force Festival colleagues.
And though festival organizer work eats half of my brain, i’m going to play there too: together with Alexei Usinovich (Apex Sphere, S4DS) and Volha Salakheyeva (VJ Solar Olga) we’re preparing a debut collab performance as Force Carriers. The project is dedicated to the great Belarusian artist, thinker and ‘eternal wanderer’ Jazep Drazdovič (1888 - 1954).
Together with Volha Salakheyeva i’m curating Artes Liberales festival audio/video/media-art program. This year’s edition is dedicated to all sorts of revolutions. See the full program here - Artes Liberales 2017
I will play on the 4th of March 2017 alongside Jacek Sienkiewicz, Grek, Morgotica, Stress Delivery Service. This is the 9th event of МЕЧТА (DREAM) series marking its 1st anniversary.
Together with my colleague Benjamin Cope i’ll be co-editing ‘P.S. Soundscapes’ - an upcoming (2017) issue of ‘Topos’ - journal of Philosophy and Cultural Studies. The volume will be dedicated to the questions of sound, music and listening in the Post-Socialist region.
Deadline for articles & reviews in English, Belarusian or Russian: 1 May 2017.
Force Carriers & Foundamental Network labels present an electronic evening at DACH XXX festival on 14.09.2016 with:
Mozes (aka Apex Sphere / S4DS)
Pavel Ambiont
The 30th edition of DACH Festival and the exhibition by one of the best, and truly unique Belarusian artists - Alexander Rodin (Алесь Родзін, Алесь Родзім) - will open in Minsk on 13th of September 2016. Over the years, DACH Festival, lead by Źmicier Jurkievič and Alexander Rodin has become an important institution presenting Belarusian art, music, literature and culture in general - both in our country and abroad. With several editions of various scale and content a year - held in Minsk and other towns, villages and forests in Belarus, as well as in Berlin - DACH gives space, time and attention to dozens if not hundreds of artists from Belarus and the Eastern Europe.
This edition is a dedication, a farewell to Kunsthaus Tacheles, where Ales Rodzin used to have his studio and where DACH used to have its base for several years.
Both the festival and the exhibition will be open for 4 months - till January 2017 @ BEPX, Minsk.